
Showing posts from February, 2023
  What Role Does a Man and a Woman Play When It Comes to Sexual Intimacy?             Have you ever heard the phrase “men just want sex,” or “I must feel loved first otherwise I won’t do anything.” These are typical phrases that people always paraphrase when it comes to sexual intimacy. Is there truth in these phrases? What is behind men’s mind and actions? What is behind women’s mind and actions? Today I will share a different perspective about the roles woman and man play in intimacy. There is a huge misunderstanding between these statements, and I would like to address these questions in the following paragraphs.             First, let talk about these phrases “men just want sex” or “I must feel loved first otherwise I won’t do anything.” I believe that there is some truth in these phrases, and some lies too. Men do not just want sex. Naturally men are more sexual than women, but it does not mean that they just want sex. In fact, men make bonds with women through intimacy. On ot
  Let’s talk about how our marriage is going to be like. Now that you and your fiancĂ© have committed to each other, let’s talk about the boundaries, goals, and how we will deal with certain situations in your marriage. It is important to set boundaries, goals and how to act in different situations before you get married. When you set boundaries, you are likely to have a healthy marriage. When you set goals, you and your spouse are likely to be walking in the same direction. Once you and husband agree about how to act in different situations you are likely to avoid fights, misunderstandings, and disagreements. How can boundaries, goals, and actions can affect your marriage? First, I would like to talk about boundaries and how can they affect your marriage. The definition of boundary is a limit of subject or sphere of activity. Boundaries are important part of marriage because you want to make your partner happy and respect him or her. When you talk about boundaries, you set boundari
  Dating or Hanging Out?             Hey everyone today I would like to share concepts about dating and hanging out with you all. First, we should ask ourselves what hanging out is? What is the purpose of hanging out? And how will it affect our future relationship? Second, we should ask ourselves what is a date? What is the purpose of a date? And how I should prepare myself for a date? It is interesting to think deeply about the difference of dating and hanging out, and how it could affect our future relationships with others. During this post I will be sharing two of my personal experiences about dating and hanging out, and how they have changed my relationships.             First, I would like to explain what is hanging out is. Hanging out is spending time together without focus. When we are hanging out, we are just spending time, which may lead the other person to think that you are not interested in getting to know him or her; you are only wanting to spend time together. Hangin
  Labels vs. Who you are.   Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about how labels can change who we are. It is hard to think that labels can change how I see myself and others. Did you stop to think about the power that labels have on you? Did you ever change something in you because someone said something about it? What confusions did you have about labels? The labels that I would like to dive deep today is “gay” or “lesbians.” When we understand the power of these labels, we will understand how people can be persuaded, when they are choosing their sexual orientation. First, everyone is born with preferences, but pay close attention when I say preferences because I am not talking about sexual orientation. When I use the term “preferences,” I am using the literal meaning of this words, which means that I might prefer sports instead of dolls, or I might prefer to spend time with my men friends instead of my women friends, and it does not mean I am a lesbian; it genuinely mea